Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Stay At Home Business-Are You Making These 3 Deadly Mistakes?

Are you promoting a Affiliate Product that you can't make any sales with? If you are, then I can almost guarantee that you are making one of these 3 crucial mistakes that I'm about to show you now.

Crucial Mistake #1: Going After Short Term Profits

"I don't know about you," but I plan on being involved with Affiliate Marketing for many years to come. So, I have a long term plan in place, to get me where I want to be in 5 years. I'm not going to lie to you, when I first started my stay at home business. I was taken in by all of the fancy sales hype about how much I could earn by buying and promoted this product or that service.

It is very easy to get sucked into this short term way of thinking, because most of the products that you see online are marketed that way. I still have software on my desktop that I purchased a few years ago when the Adsense craze was blowing at full steam. That could create hundreds of pages all with my Amazon,Clickbank, and Google Adsense code embeded in them. All I had to do was promote them and I would be "RICH" but...

... Just when I started to get really excited about all of the wonga that I was going to make, "Guess what happened," Google slapped down the whole Adsense industry and my dreams of making big money went up in smoke. So the lesson that I learned from that experience is that focusing on long and medium term profits are by far the best way to go in building a rock solid business.

Crucial Mistake #2: Choosing The Wrong Niche

I am a victim of this mistake, because I choose Affiliate Marketing as my niche, just like millions of other people. Actually, "what I have told you is not exactly true" because, despite the many warnings that I read about the Affiliate Marketing niche being over saturated, I still stubbornly refused to listen, and carried on regardless. My reasons for taking this stance was...

1)Plenty of competition: When choosing a niche for your own stay at home business, you should always make sure that their is plenty of sellers in the market because, this usually means that there are lots of hungry buyers.

2)Passionate and Hungry: You want to select a market where money is already being made, you want desperate and hungry people who are looking for solutions to their problems. Don't waste your time and energy promoting products that nobody wants, and don't go looking for untapped markets with no competition, they are untapped for a reason, low demand and low profit margins being just two of them.

3)Plenty of Google Ads: This is another important indicator in deciding whether or not your chosen niche is going to be profitable or not. "Think about it," people do not advertise about a product for long, if they can't make any money.

After reading the above, you can see why I chose Affiliate Marketing as my niche. It has competition by the bucket load, passionate buyers to die for, and as for having Google ads, "PLEEEASE" In short, what I am saying is. No matter what type of online business you may have, you will still need to learn marketing to get visitors to your website. This was my main reason for choosing this niche because I knew that if I could learn as much as I could about Affiliate marketing, It would then become easier for me to start a Internet business in any niche and dominate it.

Crucial Mistake #3: Promoting The Wrong Products

Here is where you have you to decide what type of business person you want to be perceived as. Are you going to continually promote products and services to visitors to your website, that you have never brought or tried for yourself? If that is your intention, then in my eyes, you are sneaky, un-trustworthy, dishonest, (and those are only some of the nicer names that I would call you)

Your business lives or dies by its reputation, and there is nothing that will kill yours quicker than promoting crappy products to your subscribers. I'm not saying that you must only recommend products that you have purchased but, you should have some integrity and only promote products that you truly believe will help others. it maybe a radical concept for you to accept, but it's true. Believing in your product makes it easier to sell and your profits will increase.

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