Sunday 9 October 2011

New Online Business-Problems That Can Hurt Your Business

What is the biggest problem you face in starting your new online business?You might think that. "Finding the money. Or finding the time. Will be your biggest problem. Just like it is for most people.

But in actual fact you would only be half right

The real truth is that, you will always have problems. When you start, and run a Internet online business. Starting from the moment that your domain name goes live across the Internet. "Don't believe me? OK." Lets examine ownership of a domain in more detail.Starting with...

Who Owns The Domain Name?

Providing that you have chosen and paid your domain host their fee. You are the owner of that domain.But even something as straight forward as this. Falls into a gray area. Technically speaking.

 "You don't actually outright own your domain."

because you are paying a annual fee for it. However. You are allowed to sell your domain on to someone else if you wish,

I don't know about you, but I find this fact amazing!

It's like you renting a brand new sports car, or a house. And having the right to sell it. And pocket all of the cash for yourself. In my opinion. You should have outright ownership of any domain after 5 yrs.

But I won't hold my breath waiting for my suggestion to become Internet law.

If you already have a free web site account on Blogger or Wordpress. What I have written above won't bother you in the slightest

But imagine if you had paid a hosting fee for your web site. And you are very popular on Twitter or Facebook. 

You could end up with a very popular web site. That gets tons of traffic. But is not making you a cent

This is the reason why getting targeted traffic is so important. Especially if you are using a shared hosting account..

A shared hosting account is designed to handle a certain amount of traffic a day. Once your web site exceeds that amount. You will have to up-grade your account to handle the increased load.

"Not a problem if you're web site is making you tons of cash."

It just makes good business sense to up-grade.


What if you are not in a financial position to up-grade? Selling your domain name on to someone else. And buying a new domain would probably be the best solution.

Another possible solution to consider is. Un-following people on Facebook and Twitter. So that you can stop this situation from arising again.

Whatever decision you end up coming to.Just remember, that it is just one of the many continuing problems That you will face in running you're new online business.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Empire Avenue Makes Social Networking Easy.

It should not come as to much of a surprise, for you to know that many businesses are now seeking to recruit members of staff.From the major Social Networking sites like Facebook,Twitter, and my personal favorite at this moment in time Empire Avenue.

What these employers are looking for specifically. Are people who are experts in social media, and the best way of finding them is. To see them in action. Watching the way they interact in their preferred online communities.

If you are presently using Empire Avenue or the other Social Networking sites. As a way of finding a job. Then you are onto something good.

Being active in the social media world. Can help you get noticed. And using Empire Avenue is a good way of helping you achieve this. Especially if you want to escape from the very overcrowded Social Networking world of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

A lot of influential people are comparing Empire Avenue to the early days of Twitter. "Personally speaking" I wasn't taken in by all the hype surrounding Twitter.

Even now, it is very hard to communicate with people who are in the Affiliate Marketing niche on Twitter. Because everybody seems to send the same boring repetitive tweets over and over again.

Now I'm not claiming to be a perfect twitterer, and I do post my fair share of repetitive tweets. But, at least I try to interact with the people that follow me.

"Anyway I'm going to stop talking about Twitter because." Empire Avenue is far better, and more importantly for you, still fresh and funky.

It is, at this moment in time. Far less busy than Facebook or Twitter. And even if it does eventually become just as big.

There will still be some quiet corners on the website, where you can conduct business. If you are a employer. Then you need to give Empire Avenue some serious consideration.

I firmly believe that this website has the potential to be the dominant force in social networking. "YES" even bigger than FaceBook.

The advantage that Empire Avenue has over the other social networking sites 

That it does not stand alone in isolation. Instead it chooses to integrate rather than separate itself from its rivals.

Job Opportunity For You

You need to be engaged on all of the popular social networking websites to get a good score on Empire Avenue. In today's world of social media. Its all about influence.

Any recruiter. Can easily see and assess, who are the real movers and shakers. And there are a number of indicators to help them choose the right candidate.

They will be able to see how you are interacting through the site, sharing ideas, thoughts, wisdom, enjoyment, whether you're likable and showing your potential.

They can see how well you are performing on other platforms, even down to the level of engagement you are having; the number of likes, the number of Tweets and the quality of you're blogs.

And then they can choose to look further with ease at your content. To see if they see potential. all straight from your profile.

Obviously, if you are a new member at Empire Avenue. You will need a bit of time to familiarize themselves with how it works.

But once you get the hang of it, and engage in the various communities.

Any employer who needs a social media expert. Will be glad to offer you a job and a brand new rewarding career.

Click here to join Empire Avenue