Monday, 14 June 2010

Personal Information Security - Finally, a Virus Free Way For You to Download Information

Has it happened to you yet? That irresistible offer that you're dying to know more about, but there is a problem - you have to give out your personal information first - and you, like millions of other people online are not comfortable with doing this. What should you do when you're faced with this dilemma?

If you have, or are thinking of starting your own online business then you should know the importance of having visitors to your website sign up to your newsletter. The reason why building your subscriber base is so important is because it gives you more than one bite of the cherry in terms of selling your product or service, and more importantly it builds trust over time.

Whether you like it or not, whatever online business you have, or are thinking of starting will always have competition. Which means that you will have to find more and more elaborate ways of getting the word out about your website.

There was a time not long ago that your mobile phone was just that, a phone that you made and received calls and text messages from. You don't need me to tell you that this is no longer the case because your mobile phone has now become a extremely valuable piece of advertising real estate,

Google has not been slow to react to this fact and they have recently made their AdSense Advertising Program available for use on mobile phones. Throw in all of the popular news aggregators out there like Twitter, iGoogle, My Yahoo, etc., and you will begin to understand just how many different choices your average customer has to receive information.

What Can You Do?

"Adapt" to the continually changing landscape. This is an absolute must if you want to survive and grow in the Online Business World. It is a sad fact that nothing stays the same, no matter how much we wish it to be. Never is that statement more true than on the Internet

To keep up with all of these changes, you must stay up to date with all the latest news, and give visitors to your website as much choice as possible when it comes to accessing your information. "It's a fast paced world out there" and this means that most of your potential customers are constantly on the move.

Mobile phones are rapidly becoming the preferred method of choice for people wishing to connect to the Internet, and when you think about it, this makes perfect sense because it is far cheaper to buy a mobile phone than it is to purchase a computer or laptop.

Brand loyalty is another big problem that you will have to face. For the average person using the Internet, once they decide on what application they want to use to access information, they very rarely are willing to change. So for example if they like and use Twitter then they won't use iGoogle or Bebo.

No One Wants To Give You Their Personal Information

Going back to my original point regarding personal information - while it is true to say that while you are reading this article, ten's of thousands of people are connecting to the Internet for the first time. It is also true to say that they are better informed and therefore much less willing to share what they regard as personal information.

People are afraid to download stuff because of viruses - Having been online for a number of years, I can honestly say that the chances of you downloading a harmful virus are between slim and none, providing that you keep your web browser up to date and have anti-virus software installed.

Are You Using RSS

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a way of allowing visitors to your website to stay up to date with all of your latest blog posts (assuming that you have a Blog) without them having to type in your URL address. Undoubtedly the biggest benefit of having an RSS feed is the fact that you don't have to give out any of your personal information and it is virtually virus free.

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