Monday, 14 June 2010

Keyword Elite - Google AdWords Keyword Tool - Which is Better?

I'm assuming that you have or want a online business, Well I am going to tell you something very important. Whatever online business that you are currently running or are thinking of starting in the future, you need to include keyword research into your marketing strategy right now.

Yeah! I know that you want to know if Keyword Elite is better than the Google AdWords Keyword Tool, and I will answer that question later on in this article.The question that I think needs answering now is why should you use keyword research tools?

Choosing the right keywords for your website is important. You like thousands of other webmasters may think that you already know which are the best keywords for your site to be ranked for.But what you have to realize is that the most obvious keywords are not usually the best keywords for search engine optimization(SEO).

By using keyword research tools such as Keyword Elite or the Google AdWords Keyword Tool, you will be able to pick the keywords that attract targeted visitors who are more likely to buy from you instead of randomly choosing popular keywords that get plenty of searches but no buyers.

I'm not going to go in to an in depth analysis about any of the keyword tools that I mention in this article because you can find this out for yourself by simply visiting the website in question.Instead I will just give you a brief over view of each one so that you will be better informed about which keyword tool is right for you.

Google AdWords Keyword Tool Explained

Just in case you didn't know, Google is the most popular and along side Yahoo the biggest search engine online.Google controls at the time of you reading this about 63% of search engine traffic in the USA and 55% across the globe. A common mistake that people make is thinking that the Google Keyword Tool is only useful if you have an AdWords account.

I can safely say that this is not true, even though I do have a AdWords Account. The Google Keyword Tool is free to use and it gives you monthly statistical information on your preferred keywords in easy to read columns.You will be able to find out the number of times a keyword has been searched for in any given month, and in what month had the same keyword been searched for the most.

From a personal point of view my favourite bit of statistical information that I always pay special attention to when using the Google Keyword Tool is, how much competition have I got for my chosen keywords and how much each keyword will cost me.

Keyword Elite Explained

Let me just state that Keyword Elite is more that just a straight-forward A to B Keyword Tool. It is a multi-functional and powerful piece of software specially designed so that you can get the maximum benefit from your chosen keywords. I want to stress again that it is a software application (which means that you have to download it.) and not a web based application like the Google Keyword Tool.

Keyword Elite: Generate 1000s Of Keywords In Seconds!

As you may have already guessed Keyword Elite is not free, and can cost depending on where you purchase it anything from $85 to $176. I must warn you at this point that as somebody who has purchased Keyword Elite, beware of websites that are selling it below the recommended price. My reason for saying this is because this software is constantly up-dated and all up dates are free at this moment in time providing that you purchase Keyword Elite from the official website.

NicheBOT Keyword Tool Explained

As an after thought I've decided to throw just one more keyword tool in to the mix before wrapping up this article.NicheBot is another web based keyword research tool.It is a expansion on the Google AdWords Keyword Tool in the sense that it is a multifunctional tool similar to Keyword Elite.

Find High Paying Adsense Keywords!

Another feature that NicheBOT shares with Keyword Elite is the ability to get keywords from a number of different data bases including Google's. You can also get foreign keywords from up to 243 countries and keyword translations in 23 languages, NicheBOT offers 3 different price packages at this moment in time ranging from $17.50 to $108.a month but there is also a 2 week trail on offer for a $1 on all price packages


Depending on how serious you are about doing keyword research, I would say that in most cases you will be fine using only the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. I purchased Keyword Elite because it dove tails nicely with Google AdWords. I have an AdWords Account so this purchase made sense to me. If you on the other hand, have no intention of ever opening an AdWords Account or building websites with the purpose of making money then there is no need for you to invest in more advanced keyword tools.

Secret keyword software that took me from $3.25/day to $236/day!

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