Saturday, 26 June 2010

Two Important Tips For Better SEO Results

In the world of Internet marketing there are certain topics which give even the Guru's nightmares SEO is one of them. Why! because nobody so far has the definitive explanation of what exactly is the correct way to do search engine optimization. Let me just state that if you're hoping to find the answer to complete SEO domination in this article prepare to be disappointed its beyond the scope of this page.

Google and SEO The holy grail of Internet marketing is a No1 position in Google search engines and free targeted traffic to your website. A important point worth remembering is that you can get a No1 position in Google and still get little or no traffic at all to your website, its all to do with which keywords you choose to describe your site. Google is the primary reason why its so difficult to master SEO and why a lot of top Internet marketers have given up trying. The problem is that Google periodically make changes to their algorithms which can result in the dreaded Google slap for many websites.

SEO The Right Way There is only one way to avoid being penalized by Google, and that is by making sure You don't break any of their rules. sounds obvious I know but sometimes the most obvious things are easily forgotten. Here are just some of the search engine optimization methods that you should avoid at all cost.

Automatically created doorway pages

Cloaking and false directs

Keyword stuffing

Hidden text or Hidden links

Other methods that try to trick search engines

Believe it or not there are some major SEO companies and software developers that use the above black hat methods to gain high search engine results which is why Google changes their algorithms so frequently. Black hat search engine optimization techniques will only give you short term results and will probably get your website banned by all the major search engines so your best bet is to stick to ethical SEO practices

Log Files And SEO What I'm about to reveal to you now is a very important piece of information that many online marketers know about but don't use effectively. Sever logs can show what phrases people are using to find your website, This helps you to maximize your site's traffic and improve conversion rates. Once you have written your web pages and optimized them, the log files will tell you how people found your pages, and the keywords they are searching for to get there.

You may find that people have used search phrases that you hadn't thought of to get To a certain page, if you find that this is the case then it would be a good idea to further optimize that page for this new keyword phrase. Another thing worth thinking about is whether it would be in your best interest to create Individual web pages for all new keyword phrases that people are using to describe your website

These freshly optimized pages would allow you to provide better information and gain higher search engine rankings.You must also remember to check how your site is found in the organic search results, so that you can determine which keyword phrases could be used in any PPC campaigns. Make sure you choose only the highly relevant phrases that will achieve the best conversion rates.

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