Are you new to Internet marketing, or are you thinking about starting up your own online business? Keep on reading because I'm about to reveal 3 tips that will help you increase your online income by at least 50% These tips or some people might say tricks are used everyday by some of the best Internet Marketers around. You are in the online business to make money so don't be afraid to use these tactics, because they are perfectly legal and they work.
Controversy:This one is a biggie and its also one of the best methods of getting people to buy from you. It's a simple tactic really, all you have to do is write something controversial on your blog or website which is related to your product or service. What will happen is that your comments will eventually attract visitors who have differing views about your product or service.
If your comments really get under their skin, then they will be almost compelled to post their own views on your blog. Some of these visitors will of course buy your product, and then tell others who will come to your website or blog see what you and others have written and then guess what they buy, don't buy, who cares so long as they talk about you and tell others.
Have you ever been out on the town on a Friday or Saturday night.Came home a bit worse for wear, flopped on your bed or settee and switched on the T.V. While watching the T.V you notice that there is nothing to watch except the infomercials. Well my next tip is one that is used in virtually every infomercial and its called the But Wait..And There's More.
Here's how it works, first your shown an infomercial about a product that you may like. You then decide that you want to buy the product and whip out your credit card. At this point you might be slightly unsure whether or not to proceed with your purchase. but then,just as your making up your mind you see the free bonuses included if you buy the product now. This is what the BWATM technique is all about, It makes you want the bonuses as much, if not more than the product you originally wanted, and the best thing is that you get everything for the same price.Internet Marketers use the BWATM trick all of the time and if its good enough for them, then it will certainly be good enough for you just try it and see for yourself.
Testimonials: are a great marketing tool and are one of the oldest weapons in the Internet Marketing industry.Testimonials are used to give you confidence in the product that you are thinking of buying. Online marketer know this which is why they often try to bribe you in to giving one to them by offering their product for free or at a reduced rate.
I must add that there is nothing wrong in using the bribe tactic. After all you are getting a product or service for free, just for having a few of your words printed on the product sales page.The true power of a testimonial is when you have a new website which needs a lot of traffic, All you have to do is give testimonials to as many of the top Internet Marketing websites as possible and you will potentially get thousands of page views to your brand new website.
These are just three of the many techniques you can use to increase traffic and revenue to any website you have now. Next time you buy something online try looking out for more of these magical techniques. I'm sure if you read the sales page carefully you will spot them. Learning these tactics will put you way ahead of the average online marketer which means overtime better than average profits for you.
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