Wednesday 16 March 2011

Best Blog Sites-Will Your Blog Make You Money?

You can forget about making money directly from blogging. It's so unlikely that it's a total waste of your time trying. I am actually shocked at how many people think that they can do this. the idea that anybody can make money blogging is quite frankly a joke. But anyway. Here are the 4 main reasons why, you will probably not make money from blogging:

1)You Spend To Much Time Planning

This is a massive time waster for me. I love to think, to plan, to analyze, and to scheme. But in so doing, I waste a lot of time without ever actually getting anything concrete done that needs to get done now. We’re all familiar with the term “Better late than never,” but I propose that “Better now than later” is about a hundred times more important and applicable.

Take a step back and analyze the time you spend “planning” or “researching.” Are you planning out the things that are of the highest level of importance? Are you planning more than necessary? Are you planning things that even need to be planned? Are you researching things that will be useful to you or your readers now? Focus on what you need to do now and in the very immediate future to take your blog to the next level.

2) You Suffer From Information Overload

I know how you feel. There’s just so much information out there that you need to absorb. Education is a key to success, right? Yes, but only in moderation. There is definitely such a thing as consuming too much information. Only subscribe to a few trusted sources in order to avoid information overload. And again, only focus on what you need to be doing in the very immediate future.

3)You Already Have A Full Time Job

Even if you can overcome the above obstacles. How will you find the time to juggle a full time job, and learn the necessary skills required in running a successful blog? Most successful blog owners will tell you that they came home from work.

Logged onto their computers,and experimented with their blogs. Until they found a way to make it financially stable enough. To quit their day job for good. JD Roth followed this method in building (Get Rich Slowly) Other popular blog owners have gone down the same route, and they found the stress almost unbearable.

4) Your Blog Is Not Controversial Enough.

Yes, there are some topics that do not require controversy, but You will still have to find a good niche for yourself in order to stand out from the crowd. So you will have to be different, and the bloggers who are different have surprising things to say.

And if you have surprising opinions, you'll have people who tell you you're an idiot. And if you are making good money from your blog, you'll have hundreds of people telling you how you're an idiot. Do you want that? Really? Will you be able to write another controversial opinion the next day or will you be too nervous?

So in summing up, i want to tell you that there is also some good news for you. Which is this.  “If you accept the bad news that you will never make money blogging as good news and work on it, you will actually make money blogging.”

Paul Profitt is a blogger and writer. Visit his website to read more on how to make money blogging

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