Tuesday 22 February 2011

Home Business Internet Marketing- Why this niche is bad for newbies

Are you thinking about starting your own next great. "Make me a million dollar overnight while you sleep." web site or blog? If you are then, I will take a educated guess. That you are a newbie. Who has no doubt heard how easy it is to make tons of cash.From the Internet Marketing Business Opportunities niche.

Well, I'm going to let you in to a little secret, that not many people know about

Which is that, many Internet and Affiliate Marketers. Who are already making serious amounts of wonga online. Have ditched this niche a long time ago.

"Why would they do this, are they MAD?"

NO! they have not suddenly lost their marbles. The reason why some of the top Internet Marketer are rapidly leaving this niche in droves, is because...

...Internet Marketing has become over saturated. When I say over saturated, I mean with crap. Seriously speaking, unless you have at least 3 years experience under your belt, or have a lot of grit and determination.

You will find Home Business Internet Marketing. A very hard nut to crack. Especially in the current tough world wide economic times.

Scam merchants have targeted Affiliate Marketing as a easy way to sell their crappy products to newbies, like yourself.

The situation has got so bad that. Even the many Honest and decent Online Marketers out there. Are starting to see their reputation suffer.

Selling crap will ruin your reputation. Many IM marketers in the last decade have gone down in a ball of fire after buyers publicly complained about the shoddiness of their products or total lack of customer support.

This fate could easily happen to you. If you continually promote products. That you know nothing about

I have learned the hard way in this industry, having been burned on a number of occasions. What these bad experiences have taught me is to. Limit my product recommendations to just a few Affiliate Marketers that I trust.

The good news for you is, that these problems in Internet Marketing can easily be avoided

Either by staying out of the Home Business Internet Marketing niche completely. Or.spend your time on finding products and services to promote. That you like, and are highly valuable to your subscribers

You must always place your highest value on building up trust with all of the people that read your blog or web site.

There is still plenty of money to be made online. Over a ever expanding range of niche markets. And if you decide to try Affiliate Marketing. Remember that it is a marathon and not a sprint..

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